"After dealing with my own personal health crisis, with 2 babies and a minimal support system, it was important to me to create a program that offered not only assistance but a healthy loving support system for others experiencing something similar. As I began looking for resources available I very quickly realized there were many services that still needed to be put in place. Support, education, and healing. We needed something to break cycles and create strong healthy growing communities. And that was the birth of the idea for Mesilla Park Healing Arts.
​ Mesilla Healing, a 501c3 under the umbrella Mesilla Park Healing Arts is committed to community crisis intervention, education and healing on a holistic level.“When life gets too heavy, tread lightly and bend like the willow tree, so that you too do not break”
Our Willow bend closets are made up of a large metal shed with free clothes and housewares, a dry pantry of canned and boxed goods, and a soap box closet of hygiene products, and paper goods. Closets availability are by donation and are dependent on the generosity of others. We offer space for rent to the community for events to encourage education and community gathering as well as fundraisers for those needing a little help.
Our Athenas Apothecary product line is made up of Quality New Mexico True Certified CBD products , and we have whole sale accounts nationwide.
Mystic Apothecary and Treasures, is our retail location, located at 902 N Date st in T or C NM and is the main financial support for programs at Mesilla Healing.
Mindful Healing Arts space offers a variety of wellness services such as Reiki, Access bars, Egg Limpia, Ionic foot bath, massage, ear candles and more.
Pips Sweets and Treats is located on site to offer hand blended teas, lemonades, Italian sodas and other sweet treats. Many inviting spaces on the property, both inside and out. Meet with a friend or take a minute alone. Wifi is available!
Most importantly, in keeping with building community strength, Mesilla Park Healing Arts and all its subsidiaries are run strictly by volunteers. Not one staff member is on payroll. We will continue to run by the love and generosity of local volunteers and we encourage you to get involved!